Saturday, November 21, 2009

I love the 90's!

If you don't know who's picture that is above, then you probably have been living under a rock and more importantly, missing out on one of the funniest television shows you will probably ever see. Mr Bean, a british comedy show about a man who really acts like a child, first debuted in 1990. The first time I saw Mr. Bean was after my friends suggested that I watch it. They lent me a tape of his first season and I was instantly hooked. For the next several years, I watched each season on television and bought the VHS tapes. Mr. Bean the television show ran from 1990-1995, plus two full feature movies. His latest movie was Mr. Bean's Holiday, which (to me at least), was just as funny as his television show. For the rest of my life, there will always be fond memories of watching Mr. Bean for the first time.
Below you will find a clip to two of my favorite scenes. Please, check them out!

Its not a tumor! Stop it! Who is your daddy and what does he do? Sound familar? It should. You may have heart these phrases from various Arnold soundboards that have been created, or you more likely have heard it from the 1990 hit movie Kindergarten Cop starring the one and only Arnold Swarteneggar. Kindergarten Cop was another movie I watched several times when I was younger. What probably drew me into this movie was the fact that the storyline involved a younger kid (around the same age as me when I first saw the film). This helped me relate to the movie and thus it became a must watch movie for me.

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Girls love him! Guys wish they could be him! His name is Edward Sissorhands, opps I mean Johnny Depp! Released in 1990, the first time I saw Edward Sissorhands I was freaked out! When Edward Sissorhands first came out, I was a bit young to understand the dark humor of Tim Burton's classic movie. To me, the vision of a guy with sissors as hands just freaked me out! The film (even today) has its creepy, dark moments but I no longer get freaked out watching it! I will say this, I LOVE the movies setting, the dark mood fits the movie perfectly!

Are you a fan?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bye Bye 80's!

What do infants think about? Well, breasts for sure! All kidding aside, "Look Who's Talking" is a film based the perspective of life from a very young child. From the moment of conception, throughout the babies first several years, Look Who's Talking takes the viewer on a wild ride of an infants life. When I first saw this film, I was about ten years old. I often remember watching it because I found the movie to be quite funny. My favorite of the Look Who's Talking films was the second film, titled Look Who's Talking Now. I preferred the second film because the ages of the children were closer to my age. The film stars a young John Travolta and also stars Kirstie Alley.

Just think, this was all of us at one time....

Honey...I Shrunk the Kids!! Five words a mother NEVER wants to hear. As if the 1980's didn't have enough cool films, Honey I Shrunk the Kids was released on June 23rd, 1989 and starred Rick Moranis (the dorky guy in the Ghostbuster films). For those who have not seen the film, the title basically describes the plot in full. An inventor, invents a machine that is able to shrink objects. Unfortunately, one day his kids and their neighbors are playing baseball and a home run ball is hit into the machine, triggering it to activate. The film mostly centers on the chaotic adventures of attempting to get big again, and trying not to get stepped on by their own parents. Personally, I loved this film. Despite the cheesy humor, this film was actually interesting because we the audience get to experience life as an insect. I always wondered what life would be like living in the grass in my backyard. Honey I Shrunk the Kids gives the viewer a glimpse into the world we'll never see.

In my first blog, I talked about one of my favorite childhood films, Ghostbusters. Five years later, Ghostbusters two hit the theaters. Ghostbusters two, like the first film, focuses on the Ghostbusters keeping evil spirits from taking over the world. In the second film, ghosts have threatened the big apple. One of my favorite scenes from this film was the ending scene with the Statue of Liberty walking down the streets of NYC. Although I did not see this film until a few years after its release in theaters, it still remains at the top of my list of favorite films. Critics may not have loved it but I sure did!

From beginning to end, this film is pure greatness! Did you like the second Ghostbuster film? Yes? No? Tell me why!

These days, horror movies are more like comedies than horror films. Saw is mostly about gore and grossing people out and other films mainly focus on slasher type theme's. Before Paranormal Activity came out this past fall, there had not been a film that scared me as much as Pet Sematary. Released in 1989, Pet Semetary centers around a family who moves into a rural house out on a farm. Life is seems good, expect for the fact that there is a road in front of the house which is used by speeding truckers. One day, the family's cat gets hit. A neighbor suggests that the father bury the cat at an old Indian burial ground. He complies and all hell breaks loose. If you have not seen the film, I suggest you check it out! To this day, Pet Semetary still creeps me out and probably will the rest of my life!

Have you seen this film? What did you think? Please drop a quick comment to let me know! Thanks!

Where did my love of trains begin? Probably when I first rode Strausburg Railroad in the mid 1980's. Since then, several shows have been released the focus on railroading. One of my favorite train shows growing up was Shining Time Station aka the Thomas the Tank Engine show. Airing on PBS, the show focused around the life of Thomas the Tank Engine. I remember watching the show just for the scenes with Thomas. I really had no interest in the other scenes of the show. I also was a big fan of Mr. Conductor aka George Carlin.

Watching Shining Time Station was only the beginning of what would turn into a very productive hobby. Over the last several years, the Internet has opened up the doors to a participatory cultural where people like myself (amateurs) can produce what at one time was only done by professionals. Today, I can take my High Definition camcorder and film trains. But what's the difference between today and twenty years ago? Sharing. Not only can I take video of trains, but I can also take video of trains AND SHARE them with others. What was once only reserved for train magazines and production companies can now be done by anyone with a camera and an Internet connection. YouTube has allowed me to share my videos with the world. Something that at the time of Shining Time's Station's release, would have been impossible!

On that note, that's a wrap to this blog and the 1980's. I'll touch on a few more things 80's in my next few blogs, but look for an increase in 90's material. Also keep checking back as there will be a special Christmas blog in early December, focusing on Christmas films, songs and television shows. Have a good one everyone, don't forget to leave a quick comment!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Those Wonder Years....

Whatever you do, do not say his name three times! Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice! Then he shall appear to cause comedic havoc wherever he goes. And no, I am not talking about the sidekick featured on the Howard Stern Show. The year 1988 saw the release of the very funny (and creepy) film BeetleJuice, directed by Tim Burton starring a young Michael Keaton. When this film first came out, I was a bit too young to have been watching it (I was 5 in 1988). A few years later however, I saw the film for the first time. My first reaction was "oh there's the mom from Home Alone!" I was reffering to Catherine O'Hara who starred in the original Home Alone film. As much as I hate to admit it, this film creeped me out when I was a kid. The creepiest part of the film was when Beetlejuice turned into a snake. Nasty! Anyways, if you have not seen the film I suggest renting it. You may like it, you may hate it, but you've got to experience Beetlejuice at least once...

Best part of the movie!!

I have to admit, the idea behind the next film I'm going to talk about is genius. Now here is a film that scared me as a young kid. His name is Chucky, and he is a good guy doll. The only problem is, he wants to kill me and YOU! In 1988, the world was introduced to the bloody wrath of Chucky, a killer doll who is possessed by the spirit of a madman. Yes, this film scared me as a kid. Although I did not have any dolls, I knew other kids who did. One of them even had the actual "good guy" doll. Every time my friend would pull out the doll, I would tell him it was going to get us! Of course, my parents tried to keep me from watching the film, but I had friend who had the movie and we often watched it only to be scared out of our minds. Looking back at the film today, its fun to watch but nothing more.

Have you seen Child's Play? Yes? No? Feel free to drop a comment on what you think of the film, and if your my age (24), drop a comment on how this film effected you growing up. Look its the mom from 7th heaven!

Critics hated it! I loved it! Does Mac and Me sound familiar? Probably not, but if you've seen it, your probably a fan just like me! When I was about 7 or 8 years old, my parents rented a film for me called Mac and Me. I remember not knowing what to expect as my mom told me I was going to "enjoy" the film she rented. Mac and Me is a feel good film about an alien and a young boy. Yes I know, ET was the same thing but Mac and Me had its own unique qualities. I have not seen this film in years, so I hope NetFilx has this movie in their stock. For now though, I'll have to settle for watching the trailer to this film. Check out the trailer and I take no responsibility for the sudden urge to eat McDonald's....

Have YOU seen Mac and Me? What did you think? Drop a comment to let me know!

I'm sure everyone reading this blog (and even those not reading this blog) have seen this television show at least once. It's safe to say that "The Wonder Years" was probably one of my favorite none-Nickelodeon television shows growing up. For those who have not seen The Wonder Years, the show centers on the life of a young boy named Kevin who experiences life growing up during the late 1960's and early 1970's. The show is awesome and I love watching it even today! I remember wanting to be like Kevin, I even wanted my own "Winnie" too.. I got my own "Winnie" today, only she's a blond...LOL

What did you think of The Wonder Years? Love it? Hate it? Leave a comment to let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Day Late But Not a Dollar Short

Unsolved Mysteries was another show I remember watching while growing up. Hosted by Robert Stack and his very creepy voice, Unsolved Mysteries worked to solve...welll...mysteries! Whether it be about a murder, alien abduction or Bigfoot, the show never ceased to entertain me. One of my favorite episodes was about haunted railroad crossing in Texas. The story as told focused on a bus full of children that stalled on the railroad tracks and then was hit by a fast moving train. Legend has it that any vehicle that stops on or near the tracks will be pushed over them by the ghosts of the young children. They even spread powder on the back of the car's trunk and witnessed small hand prints. True or was still fun to watch!

What is a green, mean, fighting machine? A turtle! Actually, a teenage mutant ninja turtle! Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles debuted in 1987 (in cartoon form) and quickly became one of my favorite television shows behind the animated series "Ghostbusters". I remember having each of the TMNT action figures and even having a TMNT costume. Although the movie did not come out for a few more years (the live action film was released in 1990), TMNT was a big part of my life growing up.

Remember Mr. T? How could you not? The A-team was finishing its run in 1987, having run a total of five seasons with 98 episodes. I remember watching the A-team at my grandparents house. My grandfather was a big fan of the both the A-team and MacGyver. The A-team always seemed to come on right around dinner time. It was almost like clockwork, I'd go visit my grandparents for dinner, sit down at the table and grab the remote and put the A-team on while I ate. Fun times, which I greatly miss! For those who are interested, I believe there is a A-team movie in the works, though I'm sure it sadly won't have the original cast.

Best television show intro ever? I VOTE YES!

Ever get a package, only to open it up and read BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED. Yes we all dread this statement, especially on Christmas morning when you get a brand new toy only to find out your parents forgot to buy batteries for it. Opps! The year 1987 saw the release of the very cool film Batteries Not Included. BNI was a film about little space robots who visit earth in an attempt to help the residents of an apartment complex that is about to close. This feel-good movie is tons of fun, and if you don't mind some so-so special effects, I'd suggest going out and renting this movie. And while I'm not suggesting you steal movies online, you can probably find this movie online somewhere....just saying..

Enjoy the trailer to Batteries Not Included, and yes Steven Spielberg was involved in making this.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ever wanted to skip school? Ferris Buellers Day Off is a film about just that. Although I did not watch is until several years after it was released in 1986, Ferris Buellers Day Off is on the list of my all time favorite comedies. Fortunatley, this film did not influence my near perfect attendance policy in school. When it came to attending school, I always made sure attending class was a top priority. Thats not to say I never wanted to skip school, because many times I did! But I always felt as if I was going to miss something important. I'd rather be ahead, than trying to catch up. Of course there were a few times when I came down with a cold and missed school, but I never actually skipped school for no good reason.

One of my favorite parts of the movie is the scenes with the Ferrari.

The year 1986 also saw the release of the Oliver Stone Vietnam War film "Platoon". I remember first watching this film with my father. He told me it was a good account of the real battles that took place in Vietnam. Not much else to say about this film.

Want to see Charlie Sheen during his younger years? Check out the trailer for Platoon below!

Before I continue with the blog, I'd like to bring in some concepts I have been learning in my Participatory Media class at Rowan University. To make things easy to read to the viewers who are not in class, I'm going to do my best to explain the concepts in an easy to understand manner.

YouTube as a Network. As you can probably tell, I'm a big fan of the website The site hosts videos of basically everything you can think of. Cars, trucks, music videos, and eveything in between. Additionally, one of the reasons I use YouTube for this blog is for nostalgic purposes. I can easily look up old tv shows that are no longer aired on television.

What do I mean when I say YouTube is a network? One of the readings I had to read for class was a article titled "The Internet Galaxy" by Manuel Castell's. In this article, he referred to networks as "a set of interconnected nodes". What do I mean by Nodes you may ask? Nodes are a set of shared spaces. If we were to step back and look at YouTube, YouTube is a node within the internet network.

Please refer to the article "The Internet Galaxy" by Manuel Castell's for more information regardings networks and nodes.

Thanks for sticking with me for the quick class lesson, lets continue on with some nostalgic fun.

Metallica! One of my favorite hard rock bands. The year 1986 saw the release of their hit album "Master of Puppets". Although I did not grow up listening to Metallica (I listened more to alternative type music in my younger years), Metallica was certainly one of my favorite bands during my teenage years.

Here's one of my favorite songs off the "Master of Puppets" album.